Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Recently I became cognizant of the fact that I'd never seen A Nightmare on Elm Street in spite of the fact that I love horror.  So, last night my boyfriend & I kicked back and gave it a watch.  A relaxing and romantic evening!

So...this movie is kind of...bad?  I don't know if that's the word.  Maybe it just hasn't aged well.  I thought there were too many scenes that tried to build up tension but fell flat.  Like, it just ended up being "nothing is happening."  The dialog was really ridiculous because the writing was so bad.  The best scenes were Nancy's dreams by far.

After we finished, I found myself asking what is it that has made this movie persist in the public consciousness?  I isn't really good or anything, but Freddie Kruger is one of the famous Monsters.  I'm an educator and my students know and love A Nightmare on Elm Street.  These are kids that are younger than my car, and this movie came out in 1984.  So what is it?  The timing?  My boyfriend said he thought the concept of a monster that doesn't let you sleep is just super sinister and sticks with you.  HMMMM.

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